Trees  and   conifers are not confined to large gardens, but can be POTTED  for patios, small gardens or seating areas. Even large trees can be safely and easily grown in containers, and moved about the garden for that instant canopy effect.  We stock many and unusual trees at he nursery including ornamental cherries, silk trees, & acacia.   Please note that all  sizes include the pot. 


Acacia dealbata  -   Silver Acacia Tree

Acacia dealbata is a  beautiful, delicate foliage tree which has Mimosa like leaves and stunning pom pom yellow flowers. It is often misnamed the Mimosa, and although very similar, this tree is actually hardy in the sheltered garden. It is able to withstand -8C for short periods of time, and when established down to -15C. Acacia dealbata is established in many RHS  gardens around the country and is a superb plant to try in the garden.

Acacias make stunning patio  trees which you can leave out all year round, or grow in the ground as a specimen focal point in the garden. The bottom photo to the left shows our large 7litre specimens.

3L approx. 3ft  (inc. pot)  £24.99 (B) 

5L  pot,  approx. 6ft  (inc. pot)   £59.99 (F)   

15L  pot,  approx. 9ft-10ft  (inc. pot)   £129.99 (F)   

Acacia  baileyana purpurea Songlines  - Blue Acacia Tree

Acacia baileyana is a very beautiful feather leaf acacia which has distinct soft blue leaves and RED/PURPLE  foliage in the Spring.   More tender than dealbata, so protect with fleece if below -4C.

10L approx. 5ft  (inc. pot)  £45.00 (B) 

10L approx. 5ft  (inc. pot)  £45.00 (B) 

20L approx. 8ft-9ft  (inc. pot)  £124.99 (E) 

Acacia melanoxolyn - Blackwood Acacia Tree

Acacia mealanoxolyn is a rarely offered, HARDY, beautiful Acacia tree that can be grown outdoors in most parts of the UK.  Acacia melanoxolyn is a fast growing Acacia, with lovely dark grey bark when mature, and fascinating delicate Acacia leaves when young. Young strap leaves followed by feather leaf foliage.

10L  pot , approx. 5ft  (inc. pot)   £49.99 (C)   

20L pot (just repotted) ,  approx. 9ft-10ft  (inc. pot)  £124.99 (E)   

Acacia  pravissima  - Weeping Acacia Tree

Please see our Jungle Plants section

Acer rubrum October Glory - Red Maple

Acer rubrum is the maple that is the glory of the East coast of the USA in Fall - the leaves turn dazzling colours of oranges and reds. This is the October Glory hybrid which grows into a rounded mature tree of some 10m height or so (but can be kept any size by pruning in the Winter!).

12L  pot approx. 7ft  (inc. pot)  £89.99 (E)  

Acer rubrum Summered - Red Maple

This is the Summered variety of the Red Maple which produces new red leaves in the Summer and then the whole tree will turn orange, yellow, and red in the Autumn months. Growing to 15m or so, this tree can be used as a garden centrepiece, or keep pruned in a pot for a beautiful Autumn display.

15L pot (just repotted)  approx. 9ft-10ft  (inc. pot)  £115.00 (F)   (5 in stock)

Albizzia julibrissin Evey's Pride - Burgundy Leaf Silk Tree

A new form of the Silk Tree - with leaves that are green in Spring and then turn to Burgundy Red in the summer months.  Very hardy at this size and a stronger grower than the species.

20litre  pot approx. 6ft-6.5ft (inc. pot)  £139.99 (E)  

Albizzia julibrissin Rosea - Persian Pink Silk Tree

'Rosea' is the selected deep pink form of the species Silk Tree, and after growing this form for the last twelve years, we have found it to be very, very hardy, and vigorous producing a fabulous small tree in just a few years.

10L  pot approx. 5.5ft-6ft  (inc. pot) single stem  £89.99 (F)  

Albizzia julibrissin Summer Chocolate - Burgundy Leaf Silk Tree

A quite  new form of the Silk Tree - with leaves that turn to Burgundy Red in the summer months. A grafted variety and stunning in August and September. This is a GRAFTED variety, strong growing and flowering at a young age.

15L pot   7ft-8ft inc. pot  £149.99  (F)  

Amelanchier candenensis - Snowberry

The Snow Berry, Amelanchier canadensis is a small tree or large shrub grown for its beautiful, fragrant white display of flowers in the Spring months. Hundreds of star white fragrant flowers cover the tree in March / April which are then followed by bronze leaves turning to dark green and then to a beautiful autumn display of orange and reds.

The Snow Berry is an ideal small tree for the small garden or patio, and it is very drought tolerant even in a pot. With its pure white display it makes a perfect small tree for the country or cottage garden.

5L  approx. 5ft inc. pot  £29.99 (B) 

Araucaria arauacana  - Monkey Puzzle Tree

One  of the most bizarre (but beautiful) of all the evergreen conifers, is the Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria araucana. So spectacular are forests of Monkey Puzzle Trees, that this species has been declared a National Monument of Chile, where it originates.  The species itself is thought to be over sixty million years old, making these trees living fossils. Very slow growing, the leaves of the Monkey Puzzle Tree are 'scale-like', dark green, and stiffly pointed, like the skin of some reptile!  Growing to some 70ft eventually, a mature Monkey Puzzle is a sight to behold! They can, of course, be kept to any height, and make ideal pot trees.

3L  pot approx. 18inch-22inch (inc. pot)  £29.99 (B)  


Betula utilis jacquemontii  White stemmed Himalayan Birch

The white stemmed Himalayan Birch has been the darling of the Chelsea Flower Show for the last 2 years, and when you see one up close, you understand why! They are simply stunning in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and especially Winter. Young branches begin an ordinary brown colour, but as the trees mature, this peels back to reveal  a brilliant snow white underbark. Contrast this with the greens of exotic foliage of palms and cordylines, or compliment the Himalayn Birch with the vivid red, orange, and yellow stems of Dogwood and you will have the best Winter display possible.

Himalayan Birch are completely hardy, and will tolerate most soils - they are ideal for a small, medium, or large garden, and can be pruned to shape. They will not damage the house foundations, so can be planted quite close to the home - alternatively, why not plant them in containers and have a patio display of these magnificent trees. The wind rustling through the leaves in Spring and Summer will really make a patio come to life.

10itre, 9ft-10ft  (inc. pot)   £99.99 (F)   (1 in stock)

Betula pendula - Silver Birch

The Silver Birch is still one of my very favourite trees, with beautiful, shimmering foliage in the growing season, which rustles in the slightest breeze and looks like a delicate waterfall of green and silver. Catkins of brown and gold cascade from the tree in Winter, and when only a little older, this tree has magnificent bark for all year round interest. This tree can be pruned to be kept at any height in your garden (even as a bonsai!) - don't be afraid to plant a large growing tree in a small garden - as long as they are pruned every Winter they can be grown with ease. However, as a PATIO TREE, Silver Birch are superb - you can move it around the patio to screen areas, and the shimmering foliage make a nice contrast to pot bamboo. Container grown trees can be planted ANY time of the year.

30L pot  9ft-10ft (pot grown) £89.99 (F)   (1 in stock)

Betula pendula YOUNGII - Weeping Silver Birch

If you only ever have one tree as a pot specimen on your patio, then this must be it! The fabulous WEEPING Silver Birch tree is quite unlike any other, with its beautiful weeping branches. Having three or four of these wonderful trees in a semi-circle around your seating area or barbecue really creates an atmosphere of calm and tranquility, with the breeze catching the delicate leaves which twinkle and shimmer silver and green. Oranges and yellow autumn foliage follow next season.

25L pot (just potted) , 9ft-10ft inc. pot   £179.99 (F)   

Catalpa bignoides/ aurea  -  Indian Bean Tree (Green and gold)

Please see our JUNGLE PLANTS section - click here

CEDRUS species

Please see our JAPANESE PLANTS section - click here



Cercis Forest Pansy

The  much sought after Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy, has unique and very unusual heart shaped leaves that are purple and red in Spring and summer, turning to fire red in autumn. This small, slow growing tree, is an ideal subject for the smaller garden or as a potted specimen. Always a talking point, the Forest Pansy can be used in most garden styles, and they fit in well into the Exotic and Japanese garden because of their colour and leaf shape.

10Litre  pot, 5ft inc. pot  £79.99 (C) 

Cercis canadensis Ruby Falls (Weeping Forest Pansy)

Only one tree is more beautiful than the Forest Pansy above and it is this, the stunning weeping version 'Ruby Falls'.

A compact dwarf form, it is ideal for small gardens, with red heart shaped leaves in Spring, changing to burgundy in Summer and reds and purples in Autumn.

It will also flower on bare stems in Spring with purple flowers.

We have some stunning 6ft specimens with 2ft-3ft spread of weeping branches in stock now (shown to the left).

12Litre  pot, 6ft inc. pot £124.99 (E)  

20Litre  pot, 6.5ft inc. pot (2ft-3ft spread) £199.99 (F)  

Corylus contorta (Twisted Green Hazel)

An unusual  and exciting plant, the green twisted hazel is grown for its wonderful naturally twisted stems and large, floppy contorted and rounded leaves, and beautiful hanging catkins in Winter. This is a very structural plant, but also an unusual one, and is not out of place in the jungle, cottage, and Japanese style garden. It is also a favourite with flower arrangers, with its remarkable contorted stems.

Corylus contorta is a deciduous plant, losing all its leaves in the winter months, but the twisted and contorted branches add interest all year round with long hanging catkins in Winter.

15Litre  pot, 4.5ft inc. pot  £59.99 (C)  

CRYPTOMERIA species - Japanese Temple Cedars

Please see our JAPANESE PLANTS section - click here



Cupressus wilma -  Golden Lemon Scented Conifer

Cupressus wilma is a GOLDEN specimen conifer, that naturally grows into a cone shaped column confier.  It shines golden yellow, and holds its foliage through the harshest of winters. It is much easier to maintain than the common Box columns you often see, does not suffer from Box diseaeses, and does not 'burn' like Box and other conifers often can.
Ideal in a pot, or plant them in your lawn, this specimen conifer will only need clipping once a year to maintain an even shape and this unique form of GOLDEN CONFIER also has a LEMON SCENT when you rub your hands through it or brush against it!
These beautiful conifers are fully hardy OUTDOORS all year round, and will be evergreen throughout the winter.

5L pot , 40-45inch (inc. pot)  £29.99 (B)  

7L pot , approx. 54inch-57inch (inc. pot)  £45.00 (B)


Cupressus sempivirens TOTEM - ITALIAN CYPRESS

That classic  Italian garden look is captured beautifully only by the spectacular Italian Cypress. Instantly creating that sculptured, expensive, designer image, these beautiful trees can be used in a formal garden, as a regal screen, or as a specimen container tree on a patio. Always the darling of the Chelsea flower shows, they shine in any formal effect garden. The photo shows our larger 25L 8-9ft specimens.

3L pot  approx. 26inches-30inches  (inc. pot) £24.99 (A) (6 in stock)

 25L pot  approx. 9-10ft (inc. pot) £124.99 (B)

Davidia involcrata - Paper Handkerchief Tree / Chinese Ghost Tree

We are pleased to be offering for only the second time in our 19 years as a nursery, large specimens of the beautiful  Paper Handkerchief Tree / Chinese Ghost Tree, Davidia involucrata. These beautiful, delicate trees are grown for their remarkable white bracts in Spring which resembles paper handkerchiefs! The leaves are also a beautiful heart shaped, red/ purple in Spring, green in  Summer and turning orange and yellow in the Autumn, with a lovely spicy fragrance.Fully hardy, it is a small to medium size tree growing to 20ft by 12ft spread in 20 years

The bottom photo to the left shows some of the actual trees on offer taken in September before the leaves drop in Autumn.

12L pot  approx. 5ft (inc. pot) £79.99 (E)


We stock a range of Eucalyptus throughout the year, please see our Jumgle Plants section of the website for latest availability - click here

Forsythia Goldrush

A must for the cottage garden, forsythia is one of the earliest shrubs to flower in late winter or early spring and produces a mass of golden yellow flowers all over this strong growing large bush or small tree. . Fast growing, it can be pruned to any shape to keep large or small.

10L pot  4ft inc. pot  £39.99 (B)  (2 in stock)

Gingko  biloba - Japanese Maidenhair Tree

This Gingko tree makes an ideal addition to the Japanese style garden - please see our JAPANESE PLANTS selection, click here.


ILEX  AQUIFOLIUM  - Green  Holly
Evergreen. The  common variety of holly that is an ideal barrier against unwanted visitors to the garden, or can be used in topiary forms.

See our HEDGING section for sizes available: click here



This is not only one of our most popular conifers, but also one of my favourites. Juniper 'Blue Arrow' is a columnar conifer, which means it grows high and slim, making an extremely archetectural specimens. Blue Arrow is VERY straight and narrow, in fact almost as elegant as an Italian Cypress, but with the benefit of having beautiful, shimmering, light blue foliage. This conifer is EVERGREEN, so you will keep this blue foliage all through the depths of Winter - it is totally unaffected by wind, frost, ice - even in a pot. The top photo shows some of the 5litre specimens in stock (click on picture to enlarge).ALL SIZES ARE POT GROWN (not rootballed) so can be planted any time of year.

10L pot, approx. 6ft (inc. pot) £79.99 (F) (8 in stock)

Juniper  Blue Carpet / Green Carpet  - Japanese Blue/Green  Creeping Juniper

A ground hugging, creeping Japanese juniper to create shape and form around ponds and stones in the Japanese garden. Slow growing, it will form a carpet of BLUE or GREEN Evergreen and fully hardy. Please see our Japanese Plants section.



Juniper Sky Rocket is another popular columnar conifer, and , as the name suggests, shoots upwards - slightly faster than Blue Arrow, but easily maintained, growing 1-2ft per year in the ground. Ideal to line a patio or pathway, as a specimen in a pot, or as a formal and sculptural hedge. The photo shows some of the actual specimens in stock - these are pot grown and can be planted any time of the year.

 5L  5ft (inc. pot) £24.99 (B)


Larix kaempferi  / Larix decidua - EUROPEAN LARCH / JAPANESE LARCH

Please see our Japanese Plants section for our selection of beautiful larches, from weeping, 's' shaped, bonsai, and globe. Click here.



Liquidamber 'Slender Silhouette'

Liquidamber are grown for their beautiful maple like leaves and Autumn foliage colour - they are large growing trees but can be pruned and kept at any height.

'Slender Silhouette' is a newer hybrid which is ideal for small gardens as it grows like a column and has stunning Autumn foliage of red, yellow and orange and also produces golf ball size fruits.

The top photo shows some of the actual trees available, taken in Summer.

10L pot  approx. 6ft  (inc. pot) £89.99 (E) (1 in stock)


Lirodendron tulipefera - Tulip Tree

We are offering in limited quantity this year some very large Tulip Trees Lirodendron tulipefera - these unusual trees have distinct saddle shape leaves and produce beautiful golden yellow flowers in Summer, followed by mouth watering buttery yellow foliage in the Autumn. Easy to grow, these can be large growing but can be pruned to any height in the Winter as well as kept as a pot grown specimen.

10L pot  approx. 4ft-4.5ft  (inc. pot) £59.99 (C)

 10L pot  approx. 7ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (F)  


Magnolias - for availability lease see our Japanese section - CLICK HERE

Magnolias make the ideal small tree for compact sized gardens, and can be pruned as a shrub, or as a specimen tree. They are deciduous (losing their leaves in autumn), and are known for their incredible flower displays in early Spring, flowers which appear BEFORE the leaves, making the whole of the tree appear a ball of colour. They can be used as specimen trees, planted in the garden now, or left in a pot to be used in a patio display for early Spring. For availability, please see our JAPANESE PLANTS section - CLICK HERE


Malus Apple Outdoor Hardy Bonsai Tree  

The apple tree makes a superb upright form bonsai tree and will produce apples in a good year which may hand from the tree well into winter. Pink or white blossom in Spring, green foliage in Spring and Summer, turning colour in autumn. Hardy. Our speciemns are approx. 6 years old and are approx. 15inches tall (inc. pot) in a plastic round  pot which is 10inches in diameter, and these trees have an approx. spread of 12inches with 3/4-1inch diameter main trunks. The photos show some of the actual trees, taken mid September.

CLICK HERE to go to our bonsai tree selection.


Metasequoia glyptostraboides  (Dawn Redwood)

Metasequoia, the Dawn Redwood,  is a stunning specimen tree with feather like leaves of bright green in Spring, which in autumn give a magnificent display of blazing yellows and orange. These are deciduous trees, so lose all their needles in the dormant months, but are fully hardy and can grow very quickly once established. This is a very large growing tree but make lovely specimens in pots for patios and decking.

25L pot  approx. 8.5ft (inc. pot) £159.99 (F)  

Evergreen. Beautiful red Spring foliage. Becoming very popular as an exotic and unusual hedge is the beautiful Photinia Red Robin. This fully hardy EVERGREEN plant grows to only 10ft, and can be clipped to any height to form a dense hedge. The Photinia is grown for its superb Spring foliage of fire red which blazes across each plant for a spectacular display. These plants can be used in the exotic garden as stand alone shrubs and bushes, or can be planted 2-3ft apart to form a hedging screen.

18litre  (approx. 5.5ft-6ft inc. pot) £69.99 (E)  

Pinus species - please see our Japanese Plants section, click here


Pyrus salicifolia pendula - Ornamental Weeping Pear - DWARF

The beautiful ornamental weeping silver pear tree is grown for its lovely weeping habit and silver grey leaves, and is a small tree which can be clipped to form an umbrella or ball topiary. White blossom is beautiful in April and May , and this is followed by small pear like fruit which are purely ornamental but birds love them! Weeping Silver Pear Trees can also be grown as a patio tree for a beautiful Spring display.

Weeping branches add interest all year round, and this tree shines again in the winter months, with it's sculptural branches twisting and drooping, creating living sculpture in winter snow settings. This is a deciduous tree, losing all of its leaves in the Autumn.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A DWARF SPECIMEN, top grafted, so will not grow tall.

10Litre pot approx. 5ft  inc. pot £79.99 (C)  (5 in stock)


Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia' - Golden Locust Tree
Robinia psuedoacacia 'Frisia' is grown for it's mouth-watering foliage of  butter-yellow. It is commonly known as the Golden Locust Tree, and used as a small to medium specimen tree for the garden. The beauty of this tree is that it will take any amount of pruning, any time of the year, so keeping it a specific shape or size is no problem. They make beautiful 'standards', or can be left to attain an eventual height of 40-60ft if you have a large garden. They will also grow happily as a 'Container Tree', on a patio, where they can be kept to a certain height and spread. It is also very easy to bend and wire the branches of this tree to shape and sculpture it over time.

10Litre pot  approx. 4ft inc. pot   £59.99 (C) 

Robinia Twisty Baby
This beautiful and unusual dwarf tree naturally forms a twisted shape, both branches and leaves twisting and curling. These specimens are grafted, and are on DWARF rootstock so won't take over the garden or grow into a very large tree. This is a deciduous tree, losing all its leaves in winter.

10Litre pot   approx. 5ft inc. pot £89.99 (E)  (1 in stock)

Rhus typhina  - Staghorn Sumach
Sumach trees are one of the easiest trees to care for, and really do have that exotic feel to them, with  weeping brances of  pinnate leaves to 2ft long. Stunning autumn foliage of bright orange and red, with crimson red fruit in the winter months. An ideal small tree for garden planting.

7litre   approx. 4ft inc. pot (sent as single bare stem in Winter, no branches)  £34.99 (B)  (9 in stock)

10Litre   approx. 5ft  inc. pot (sent as single bare stem in Winter, no branches)  £59.99 (F) 

(13 in stock)

20Litre approx. 8ft-9ft  inc. pot   £124.99  (F)  (4 in stock)

20Litre approx. 8ft-9ft  inc. pot   £124.99  (F)  (4 in stock)

Fire Fern Sumach Tree - Rhus typhina  Tiger Eyes
The  Fire Fern Sumach Tree  is a beautiful and very unusual small tree that has large, fern-like foliage which is very tropical looking, hairy red stems and branches, and red conical fruits over winter. This is a deciduous tree, losing all it's leaves in winter, BUT before it does this, you are given the most spectacular autumn foliage display of any tree, comparable only to Japanese Maples and Liquidamber's! The leaves of the Fire Fern Sumach will come ablaze with yellow, orange, gold, and even scarlet red foliage! Less invasive than the species, this is a dwarf tree.

10Litre Pot approx. 34inches  inc. pot  -  £49.99 (C)   (2 in stock)

Salix chrysocoma  - Golden Weeping Willow
The beautiful golden weeping willow is seen in country parks and on riverbanks throughout the country and is truly one of our most spectacular trees - golden foliage in Spring, turning green in Summer and then lovely shades of orange and yellow in the Autumn.

Water loving, it is ideal in a moist location and can be kept any height and shape by wiring and pruning, or let it grow into a magnificent specimen tree. It can also be grown as a patio tree in a pot (but you need to water it well every day!)

7litre pot approx. 5ft inc. pot  -  £39.99 (B)

7litre pot approx. 7ft inc. pot  -  £69.99 (E)

25litre pot   approx. 9-10ft inc. pot  -  £159.99 (F)

Sequoia sempivirens - Californian Redwood
The very famous Californian Redwood is the tallest tree in the world at just shy of 380ft! Plant it in your garden to scare your neighbours  and watch it go! Or alternatively pot it into a large pot and keep it 6ft by pruning and it makes a lovely patio tree (and you can still say you have a Californian Redwood in your garden!) . These are fully hardy and evergreen. They will also outlive you, and your children, and your children's children - they can live up to 1800 years!

10litre pot, approx. 3.5ft-4ft inc. pot - £59.99 (C)

Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant  Redwood
This is the LARGEST tree in the world (as opposed to the TALLEST which is the Sequoia above), with a frighteningly large diameter trunk when mature! Again, beautiful if kept in a pot or pruned to keep shaped. Evergreen.

7litre pot, approx. 3.5ft inc. pot -  

Sophora Sun King - Kowhai Tree

Sophora Sun King, also known as the Kowhai Tree, is a  hybrid of Sophora, originally found in Chile. This is a much cold hardier Sophora and is hardy in UK gardens in a sheltered position. This is a beuatiful, evergreen tree, which has fern like foliage and very stunning yellow pendulous flowers in March, April and May.

The Sun King Tree makes an ideal patio pot tree, or small garden tree, growing only to 6-9ft and can be pruned in Spring to any height. It is evergreen so will give you an unusual foliage mix in the winter months, and the golden shower of flowers in Spring are suimply stuninmg.

7litre (just repotted)  approx. 3ft inc. pot  £29.99 (B) 

Sorbus Autumn Spire  - Columnar Rowan
An upright growing form of the Rowan Tree ideal for lining pathways and driveways, this elegant tree will produce clusters of white flowers in Summer followed by beautiful yellow berries in the Autumn months which are beneficial to wildlife. This is a compact deciduous tree.

25litre  approx. 6.5ft-7ft inc. pot  £124.99 (F) 

Taxodium distichum Cascade Falls (DWARF) - Dwarf Swamp Cypress

We are very excited to offer these beautiful DWARF weeping Swamp Cypress in limited quantity, only the second time we have offered these in our 20years of trading! This is an unusual deciduous conifer, famous for its ability to grow in swampland , this beautiful variety (Cascade Falls) makes a fabulous statement in any garden, and while it can survive in a dry environment it will do best in a wet or even waterlogged place in the garden.

This is a DWARF version, top grafted, so branches weep down to the ground to form a waterfall of growth - very scupltural and ideal in the Japanese styke garden, but also can be used in cottage gardens and jungle style. They also make beautiful patio trees.

Stunning autumn colour when the needles turn orange, yellow, and brown. In Winter, after the needles drop, the weeping branches look stunning in the frost and snow (they are fully hardy).

12litre pot  , 4ft inc. pot  -  £99.99 (C) (1 in stock) 

Tsuga candensis - Eastern Hemlock
Please see our Japanese Plants section.

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