Silk Tree Nurseries stock a wide range of plants for Japanese style gardens, including shrubs, climbers, cherries, trees, grasses, and bonsai. We also offer set collections of Japanese plants in our instant border collections,    click here



JAPANESE BORDERS:   we  offer instant Japanese style deciduous, evergreen,and giant size border collections,  please click here
JAPANESE   MAPLES -  Acer palmatum - click here
Abies koreana -  Korean / Japanese Fir

The Korean / Japanese Fir  Abies koreana is a medium to large, but very slow growing tree, which is grown mainly for its lovely evergreen needle foliage and it's beautiful blue upright cones which stand vertically from the branches.

This tree can be pruned to be kept at any height in your garden - don't be afraid to plant a large growing tree in a small garden - as long as they are pruned every year they can be grown with ease.  These are pot grown trees (not bare root or root ball) and will be supplied in their pots.

7L  pot (just repotted) ,  approx. 2ft-28inch inc. pot 

Abelia x  grandiflora

Abelia x grandiflora  is a fully hardy  semi-evergreen shrub that grows to 4-6ft in the garden, producing a mass of small green leaves on arching multi-stems and a profusion of bell like flowers white edged with pink from mid summer well into autumn. 

2litre £7.99 (A) 

Cedrus atlantica  glauca - Himalayan Blue Cedar 

The cedrus species  of trees are our  favourite of any tree species, and this is the blue needled glauca variety, which is a very tall tree if left unpruned but can be pruned to any size and shape, and lends itself well to cloud tree pruning (we offer cloud tree forms of this cedar, please see our Cloudtrees section). We are offering some very large 25litre specimens which are approx. 10ft inc. pot.

25L pot  10ft specimen (inc .pot) £175.00 (E)


Cedrus atlantica  glauca pendula - Weeping Himalayan Blue Cedar 

The cedrus species  of trees are our  favourite of any tree species, and  these weeping blue cedars are the most spectacular having   unusual growth, with every branch weeping and twisting to form natural sculptural forms.  Very slow growing, these lovely trees are ideal for the small garden or in a pot as a patio specimen. You never have to prune them, they are drought tolerant, and they are BLUE EVERGREEN all through the winter!

7L pot  4ft-4.5ft  (inc .pot) £49.99 (B) 

Cedrus deodora - Weeping Green Cedar 

Cedrus deodora is simply one of the most beautiful of all the Cedars, with magnificent weeping branches of blue-green pine needles. It is fully hardy and EVERGREEN and is a perfect patio container tree! This is a very large tree if planted in the ground, but keep it in a large pot and you will have a most superb specimen tree that will keep its form all year round.

10Litre  pot, 52-58inches (inc. pot) £59.99 (E) 

Cedrus deodora aurea - Weeping Golden Cedar 

Cedrus deodora aurea is simply one of the most beautiful of all the Cedars, with magnificent weeping branches of green-gold pine needles. It is fully hardy and EVERGREEN and is a perfect patio container tree! This is a very large tree if planted in the ground, but keep it in a large pot and you will have a most superb specimen tree that will keep its form all year round.

10Litre  pot, 6ft (inc. pot)  specimen   £59.99 (E) 

Cedrus libani - Cedar of Lebanon

The national tree of Lebanon, this beautiful cedar is very slow growing so can be easily kept to any height with pruning in the growing months - they are also ideal specimens for pruning as cloud trees, please see our cloud tree version of this tree in our Cloud Trees section, click here. They can be planted in the ground, or kept in a pot all their lives with just regular watering and feeding. We have some lovely large 6ft Cedar of Lebanon shown in the photos to the left.

25Litre  pot, 6ft (inc. pot) , 2-3ft spread £124.99 (E) 

Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Japanese Katsura Tree

The very beautiful  cercidiphyllum japonicum bears tiny pink flowers  on bare stems in early Spring, followed by unusual heart shaped, aromatic leaves and in the Autumn these leaves turn oranges, red, and yellows to give a magnificent display. Leaves then drop for the Winter months.

This can be a large tree, so keep topped in the Winter to keep it at any size - they also make fabulous container trees for the patio or garden!

3Litre  pot  ,3ft-4ft  (inc. pot)  £29.99 (B) 

10Litre  pot  4ft-5ft  (inc. pot)  £59.99 (C) 

20Litre  pot , 6ft  (inc. pot)  £139.99 (F)  (3 in stock)

20Litre  pot , 8ft  (inc. pot)  £179.99 (F)  (1 in stock)

Chaenomeles  japonica Japanese Quince - FRUITING VARIETY

If you are looking for large, edible Quinces from your Japanese Quince bush, then the species is the one to plant - quicker growing than the hybrids, you will still get a display of bright red/orange flowers in early Spring, and then followed by edible Quince.

7litre (approx. 4-4.5ft inc. pot) £29.99 (B)

Chaenomeles  Mango Storm  - Japanese Quince - DOUBLE ORANGE  FLOWER

'Mango Storm' is a beautiful ORANGE double flowered variety with large flowers and has thornless branches.

12Litre  pot, approx. 4ft inc. pot  £34.99 (B)

Chaenomeles  nivallis  - Japanese Quince - WHITE  FLOWER

A pure white form of the Japanese Quince flowering from March to May, followed by medium sized green fruit. For a wonderful cascade of colour effect, plant two together (red and white)  and twist them and train them espalier to 6ft. 

7Litre  pot, approx. 5ft inc. pot  £29.99 (B)

Chaenomeles  japonica Red   - Japanese Quince - RED FLOWER

A lovely Japanese quince that bears large red flowers in early Spring - ideal planted with our shrub Japanese cherries and the larger weeping cherries. Can be grown as a shrub or as a climber.

7Litre  pot, approx. 4ft-4.5ft inc. pot  £29.99 (B)

Chamacyparis filifera nana - Sawara Cypress

A superb and distinctive low growing mound shrub that is slow growing, with weeping mop  like foliage which is hardy and evergreen. A beautiful front of border plant that will keep to 2ft or can be used as ground cover in the Japanese style garden. Full or half sun location in free draining soil.

3Litre  pots (approx. 8-9inch diameter spread)  £19.99 (A) 

Chamacyparis nootka pendula - Weeping Nookta cypress

The very sculptural weeping Nookta Cypress - these slow growing conifers produce curtains of long, pendulous foliage resulting in a stunning specimen upright tree for the garden - they are a wonder in the snow and ice of Winter as they are fully hardy and evergreen. Growing eventually to 10m, but they can be kept easily to any height by pruning the leader. They can also be trained horizontally to create archways or as a feature of ponds or low walls.

The top photo shows a mature Weeping Nookta pendula, and the bottom photo one of the actual specimens on offer, 10litre size.

10Litre  pot, approx. 40inch inc. pot  £59.99 (B)


Chamacyparis obtusa nana gacilis - Shell conifer

We are offering some lovely 5litre plants of the very unusual and beautiful Shell Conifer Chamacyparis nana gracilis. This very slow growing conifer produces sprays of dark green foliage which form clam like shapes - this is a dwarf conifer growing to no more than 5-6ft in ten years.
Ideal as a pot specimen, or for any size garden as it is so slow growing it can be kept to any height. The photos show some of the actual plants available.

5Litre  pot £29.99 (C)

Cloud Tree  (Japanese Ilex) - Ilex crenata Japanese Box   (niwaki cloud pruned bonsai tree)

We also have in stock some stunning Japanese Ilex crenata Box Cloud Trees. Fully hardy, and very easy to maintain, Japanese Box is a small leaf evergreen that can be trained into bonsai cloud trees over many years.

The photos show our actual Ilex crenata cloud trees on offer.  These are 52inch including the pot, and are rooted in 15litre size pots. They have an approx. diameter spread of 2ft  and they both have 10 clouds. Please note these are WIRED trees, and the wires should remain on the tree until next Spring.


Cotoneaster Coral Beauty

This ungrafted, Cotoneaster is ideal as a Japanese ground cover - fully hardy and very tough, it will grow naturally to form unusual shapes and twists, spreading in arches slowly.

7litre (approx. 5ft inc. pot)  £29.99 (B)


Cotoneaster  Coral Beauty - Top grafted standard

We are pleased to be offering this year for only the second time, some exquisite 'top grafted' Cotoneaster Coral Beauty - normally only seen as shrubs, these are very cleverly grafted at 4ft, and then they weep right down to the ground, so they are ideal for small gardens, as they never get above 6-7ft.

Fully hardy, this beautiful sculptural plant is evergreen, and is COVERED in flowers in Spring, and then in autumn/winter you are rewarded with ornamental orange/red berries. Ideal for the small garden, and especially beautiful in a Japanese style garden. 

10litre pot top grafted 4ft inc. pot £79.99 (C)  

Cryptomeria elegans (compacta) - Red Japanese Temple Cedar

We are pleased to be offering the Red Japanese Temple Cedar, Cryptomeria elegans . This unusual and very beautiful evergreen conifer is widely planted in Japan around the Buddhist temples and is known for its delicate but hardy whorl foliage, which is all shades of green, turning to golden brown and red in the winter months. It has stunning copper bark, and this conifer can be pruned into bonsai and topiary forms.
Fully hardy, this is a native small Japanese forest conifer, and would compliment a Japanese garden or border.  We have some BUSHY 10litre specimens available now. The pictures show some ofthe actual plants in October (bottom) and January (top) with their golden brown foliage (turns green in Spring/ Summer).

10Litre  pot, 3.5ft inc. pot  £59.99 (B)

Cryptomeria elegans aurea - Golden Japanese Temple Cedar

This is the golden form of the Japanese Temple Cedar with fabulous golden needle foliage in the Winter and light green in Summer, ideal for cloud tree pruning or as a standalone distinctive shrub. Growing usually no higher than 7-9ft.

5Litre  pot, approx. 4.5ft-5ft inc. pot  £39.99 (B)

Cryptomeria elegans viridis - Japanese Temple Cedar

This is a selected form of the above Temple Cedar, and is distinguished from the normal elegans by its winter foliage - this one, the viridis, stays golden green over winter as opposed to brown and red.

12Litre  pots, 3ft specimens  

Cryptomeria Sekkan Sugi (Golden Weeping Temple Cedar)

Well, what can we say about this cedar - simply one of the most beautiful and elegant plants we have ever offered ! Very rarely available, this is only the second time we have had them in stock. Beautiful golden needles on branches that weep down towards the ground.

The photos shows our 6ft specimens, in Summer with green needles, and in Winter as they change colour for Winter.  We have smaller ones in stock now at the 3ft-3.5ft inc. pot size.

3Litre  pot, 3ft-3.5ft  inc. pot £26.99 (B)  

Cryptomeria spiralis - Spiral Temple Cedar

A stunning and very rarely available dwarf cedar is the Spiral Temple Cedar. Whorls of needles grow compactly in weeping and twisting branches. Very slow growing, it will eventually form a mound of 2-3ft. Ideal in a small garden setting. 

7Litre  pot (approx. 1ft spread)  £29.99  (B)  

Cryptomeria vilmorianna  - Japanese Dome Cedar

This unusual and very beautiful evergreen conifer is widely planted in Japan around the Buddhist temples and is known for its delicate but hardy needle foliage, which is all shades of green, turning to bronze in the autumn  months. .

Fully hardy, this is a native small Japanese forest conifer, and would compliment a Japanese garden or border and goes well with Japanese ferns, weeping Japanese cherry, and Azalea - but can also be used as a specimen stand alone conifer in any garden.  (Photo shows one of our 20litre specimens in the snow in December).

2litre pot £12.99 (A)  

20litre pot 26inch inc. pot, 10-12inch diameter spread  £39.99 (B)


An unusual deciduous shrub from the Himalayas, China, and Japan of approx. 4-5ft which has cinnamon coloured bark (used to make paper in Japan) and flowers in Winter to late Spring with beautiful, fragrant, tubular yellow flowers in clusters. Ideal as a welcome food for Winter insects. Large arrow leaves like an Echium makes this shrub a good choice for not only Japanese gardens but also exotic gardens. Hardy to -5 to -7c so needs a sheltered south facing position and enjoys rich loamy soil.

7litre pot approx. 3ft  inc. pot  (2ft spread) £59.99 (B)  

ENKIANTHUS  cam. Red Bells- Japanese Pagoda Bush

Deciduous dome shaped shrub or small tree, bearing beautiful pendulous bunches of creamy white flowers in May. Stunning autumn colours. Fully hardy in any location. We have some lovely 10litre specimens in stock which are approx. 30inch inc. pot with 15" diameter spread.

10litre pot approx. 4ft-4.5ft  inc. pot  £49.99 (B)  

EUONYMOUS alatus  - Japanese Burning Bush

The Japanese Burning Bush is so called for its stunning autumn display of fire red leaves. This is a large shrub or small tree growing only to 6-7ft in the garden and will produce unusual, cork-like edged stems followed by rich green leaves in the summer, which turn a blaze of crimson in September. This bush will also produce red capsule fruit.

10litre size (approx. 3ft  inc. pot )  £69.99 (D) 

EUONYMOUS alatus compactus - Dwarf Japanese Burning Bush

The dwarf form of the Japanese Burning Bush - growing to no more than 4-5ft.

15litre size (approx. 40inches  inc. pot , approx. 18inch spread)  £69.99 (D) 

Gingko biloba - Japanese Maidenhair Tree

We are privileged to offer these living fossils, which date back hundreds of millions of years. A unique and unusual tree which has fan shaped leaves turning a mouth watering honey yellow in autumn. The Ginkgo is an extraordinary tree, bathed in mysticism and revered in Japan where some specimens still growing are over 900 years old. .

9L pot  (approx 40inches  inc. pot) £29.99 (B)   

25L pot  (approx 7ft- 8ft inc. pot)  £179.99 (E) 

Ilex crenata  - JAPANESE box holly

Very similar to box, ilex crenata has small evergreen rounded leaves, known as the Japanese Holly, but leaves which are not prickly at all. Ideal for topiary and cloud pruning.

7litre (approx. 4.5ft-5ft inc. pot) £39.99 (B)  

Juniper Green Carpet - Green Creeping Juniper

A ground hugging, creeping Japanese juniper to create shape and form around ponds and stones in the Japanese garden. Slow growing, it will form a carpet of GREEN . Evergreen and fully hardy.

10litre (approx. 18inch-2ft spread)  £34.99 (C) 

Juniper Blue Carpet - Japanese Blue Creeping Juniper

A ground hugging, creeping Japanese juniper to create shape and form around ponds and stones in the Japanese garden. Slow growing, it will form a carpet of BLUE. Evergreen and fully hardy.

10litre (approx. 2ft-2.5ft spread)    £49.99 (C)  (2 in stock)

Juniper recurva coxii - Himalayan Weeping Juniper

We are thrilled to be offering, for the first time in our 20 year history at Silk Tree Nurseries, the stunning Himalayan Weeping Juniper (recurva coxii). Painfully slow growing (3ft in 10 years!) this beautiful evergreen Juniper has graceful weeping branches of light green needles and red brown bark which starts to peel when mature. Ideal as a pot specimen, or for any size garden as it is so slow growing it can be kept to any height. 

The photos show some of the actual Junipers on offer (taken in September ). These are our 10litre size Juniper recurva coxii and are approx. 30inch-3ft inc. pot.

10litre approx.40inch-4ft inc. pot 

Kerria pleniflora - Japanese Rose

The Japanese Rose, Kerria pleniflora is a deciduous, fast growing large shrub which is smothered in golden yellow double flowers in early Spring. Suitable for a half shade position they do very well in most locations and are fully hardy. Can grow to 3m but easily kept smaller by pruning.

7litre  (approx. 5ft inc. pot)   £29.99 (B) 

12litre (approx. 7ft-8ft inc. pot)   £79.99 (E) 

Larix keampferi  - JAPANESE LARCH

The Japanese Larch is most commonly seen as a bonsai tree, but makes a superb project tree for Japanese style gardens, where it can be pruned and shaped into beautiful windswept forms. Simply use wire and pruning to create a large bonsai form, very popular in Japan.

The Japanese Larch is a deciduous tree, losing its needles in winter.

4L pot, approx. 4ft  inc. pot £34.99 (C)    (2 in stock)

Larix keampferi  'Stiff Weeper' - WEEPING DWARF JAPANESE LARCH

The very beautiful and unusual weeping JAPANESE Larch (larix kaempferi 'stiff weeper') is a  grafted form of larch that naturally weeps all of the way to the ground. On dwarf rootstock, these specimens will go to only approx. 6ft- 7ft . Ideal in Japanese style gardens and as a specimen to show off a border, or lovely in a patio pot. These larches are deciduous - in autumn the needles will turn a beautiful golden brown and drop - new needles appear in Spring. The  photos show some of the ACTUAL PLANTS on offer (taken September before the needles turn colour for Autumn) . This is an approx. 5.5ft-6ft Weeping Japanese Larch  in a 10litre sized pot .

10L pot, approx. 6ft inc. pot specimen £79.99 (E)   


Larix  decidua 'KORNIK' - GLOBE LARCH

This unusual grafted form of larch is grown as a standard, forming a dense globe of needles on a tall trunk. The goble will slowly enlarge over the years (slow growing). On dwarf rootstock, these specimens will go to only approx. 5ft. Ideal in Japanese style gardens and as a specimen to show off a border, or lovely in a patio pot. These larches are deciduous - in autumn the needles will turn a beautiful golden brown and drop - new needles appear in Spring.

20L  pot, approx. 5ft  (inc. pot) specimen  £79.99 (E)  

Larix decidua 'PULI' -WEEPING LARCH

 This is a weeping form of European Larch (larix decidua 'puli'). This grafted form of larch naturally weeps all the way to the ground, and twists and turns upwards very slowly (10-12inch per year). On dwarf rootstock, these specimens will go to only approx. 6ft (and will take a few years to do it!). Ideal in Japanese style gardens and as a specimen to show off a border, or lovely in a patio pot. These larches are deciduous - in autumn the needles will turn a beautiful golden brown and drop - new needles appear in Spring. 

12L  pot, 4ft-52inches  (inc. pot) specimen £59.99 (B)  



This is the very stunning Twisted Japanese Larch (larix kaempferi 'diana'). This grafted form of larch naturally twists and contorts with its branches forming unique shape and form, growing slowly (10-12inches per year). On dwarf rootstock, these specimens will go to only approx. 8-10ft (and will take a few years to do it!). Ideal in Japanese style gardens and as a specimen to show off a border, or lovely in a patio pot.These larches are deciduous - in autumn the needles will turn a beautiful golden brown and drop - new needles appear in Spring. This beautiful  larch is also  a sight in winter, as the frost and snow really bring out the form of the contorted branches. Fully hardy. 

5L  pot, approx. 5ft (inc. pot) specimen £39.99 (B)      

Magnolia  Black Tulip

Magnolia x soulangeana BLACK TULIP is a much sort after cultivar, with large 6inch diameter goblet form flowers which are burgundy pink; BLACK TULIP is one of the darkest pink magnolias. The flowers  have a beautiful  sweet fragrance.

7litre, approx. 4ft-5ft (inc. pot) single stem   £49.99 (C) 

Magnolia  grandiflora

Magnolia grandiflora is a beautiful evergreen Magnolia with large ovate glossy leaves, and in Summer (not Spring as with the deciduous magnolias) woolly buds burst into FRAGRANT and LARGE white flowers. Magnolias make the ideal small tree for compact sized gardens, and can be pruned as a shrub, or as a specimen tree.

25litre, approx. 6.5ft  (inc. pot), 4ft spread   £145.00 (F) 

Magnolia  grandiflora 'Brackens Brown Beauty'

This is the 'Brackens Brown Beauty' form of evergreen magnolia, and differs by having beautiful cinnamon colour  under leaves.

4litre, approx. 40inch  (inc. pot)   £29.99 (B) 

Magnolia  grandiflora 'Exmouth'

This is the 'Exmouth' form of evergreen magnolia, and has larger flowers than the species up to 30cm in diameter which are fragrant. Also with cinnamon colour under leaf.

15litre, approx. 6ft  (inc. pot)    £99.99 (F)  (1 in stock)

20litre, approx. 6ft-6.5ft  (inc. pot)    £115.00 (F)   (2 in stock)

Magnolia 'Heaven Scent' - Light pink

A beautiful hybrid with vase shaped flowers in Spring which are magenta pink.

15litre, approx. 6.5ft-7ft (inc. pot) £69.99 (E) 

Magnolia 'Henry Kern' - Light pink

A lovely cross between a stellata and liliflora magnolia, with the vigour and mass of flowers of a stellata, but the shape and form of a lilliflora. Light pink flowers in Spring from deep pink buds.

15litre, approx. 4ft specimen  £49.99 (B) 

Magnolia 'Leonard Messel'

Leonard Messel is a hybrid cross between Magnolia stellata rosea and Magnolia kobus, and has produced one of the most jaw dropping Magnolia trees currently available. This is a 'Star Magnolia' with star like flowers (similar to Stellata), rather than the tulip flowers of the Tulip Magnolias (Nigra, Jane). A sight to see in Spring, and an ideal small Japanese style tree.

10litre, 5ft inc. pot  £45.00 (B) 

Magnolia Merrill - Fragrant white star Magnolia

A beautiful fragrant white star magnolia that produces a mass of flowers in Spring.

15litre , approx. 4ft-5ft (inc. pot)  specimen  £49.99 (B)

Magnolia Nigra - Deep Purple Magnolia

Magnolia lilliflora 'Nigra' will amaze anybody that sees it - huge 4-6inch goblet style flowers of deep wine purple cover the tree in early Spring. A specimen sized Magnolia such as this one will give that instant 'wow' factor to any garden or patio (it can be kept in it's pot if desired).

15litre, 4.5ft-5ft  inc. pot £59.99 (B) 

Magnolia sielboldi- Oyama Magnolia

The Oyama Magnolia, Magnolia sielboldi is much sought after for its delicate, pure white, single blooms in the Spring. Very different from the bold goblet magnolias, and very beautiful, this is a rarely offered Magnolia. This slow growing shrub Magnolia won't take over the garden, and is ideal for the small garden or Japanese style setting. 

5litre, 2-3ft  specimen  £24.99 (B) 

Magnolia stellata   -  White Star Magnolia

White  Star Magnolia's are grown for their exquisite star-strap pure white blooms, which are lightly scented, and cover the tree in early Spring.

Magnolia stellata has  large flowers as white as snow , which cover the tree in profusion in April. Lush green foliage follow the flowers in late Spring.

15litre  , approx. 3.5ft-4ft (inc. pot) , multi-stem  £59.99 (C)  (1 in stock)

Magnolia stellata rosea - Pink Star Magnolia

This is the beautiful pink form of Magnolia stellata.

10litre , approx. 6.5ft (inc. pot)  £59.99 (E)

Magnolia x soulangeana - Goblet flower, pink & white

Magnolia x soulangeana is a much sort after cultivar, with large 4-6inch diameter goblet form flowers which are cream and pink. They have a mesmerizing sweet fragrance. Growing to only 15-20ft, this Magnolia is ideal for the small to medium garden, and it is non invasive so can be planted safely close to the house.
Magnolias make the ideal small tree for compact sized gardens, and can be pruned as a shrub, or as a specimen tree. They are deciduous (losing their leaves in autumn), and are known for their incredible flower displays in early Spring, flowers which appear BEFORE the leaves, making the whole of the tree appear a ball of colour. They can be used as specimen trees, planted in the garden now, or left in a pot to be used in a patio display for early Spring.

9litre, multi-stem,  approx. 5ft (inc. pot)  £59.99 (C)    (2 in stock)

Magnolia Susan - Purple Goblet Magnolia

Magnolia 'Susan' is one of our favourite Magnolia, having magnificent goblet flowers in Spring of deep purple. Specimen sized trees of this variety are truly a sight to behold, literally dripping with flowers which smother ever branch of the whole tree. Unmistakingly fragrant, you will never forget seeing a Magnolia Susan in flower! This variety is a cross between two beautiful trees; Magnolia stellata 'Rosea' and Magnolia liliflora 'Nigra'.

10litre, approx. 3ft  (inc. pot), multi-stem  £54.99 (C) 

Magnolia Yellow River  - Yellow goblet flowers

Magnolia 'Yellow River' is a very recent introduction to this country in 1999 from China, and is a beautiful yellow/ golden goblet style Magnolia with blooms up to 4inches in diameter covering the tree in early Spring. This is a hybrid Magnolia, and is fully hardy and frost resistant in this country, even in a pot. The leaves of this Magnolia are a beautiful lime, light green, almost yellow.

7litre, approx. 4ft-5ft (inc. pot) single stem   £49.99 (C) 

Mahonia x Charity - Holly Grape

Mahonia is a proud, structural foliage plant that also has unusual sprays of pendulous flowers when you need them most; late December to early March. They are EVERGREEN, keeping their attractive foliage all year round, with stunning bronze to deep red foliage in autumn / winter. They can be grown in virtually any soil or position (except very deep shade) and will survive neglect easily.  

Mahonia 'charity' is a cultivar grown for its very yellow flowers with strong fragrance, followed by attractive light blue berries. It can be grown as a shrub, a small 'tree' (to 4 metres) or as as a patio 'standard'.

Photos show some of the actual plants available (taken last Autumn ).

7litre, approx. 3ft-3.5ft (inc. pot)  £34.99 (B) 

15litre, approx. 4.5ft-5ft (inc. pot)  £69.99 (E) 


Nandina domestica - Sacred Bamboo / Heavenly Bamboo
The Sacred or Heavenly Bamboo, Nandina domestica, is actually not a bamboo, but is a very fascinating and beautiful shrub from Japan and China, that forms bamboo like stems, with green foliage at the tips that turn a stunning red and orange in the winter months. It is non-invasive, and grows to only 5-6ft and makes a fabulous plant for the front of border, for the patio, and is a must in the Japanese style garden.

This Sacred Bamboo also FLOWERS white in Spring/Summer, and produces red berries for the autumn.

5litre (just repotted) - approx. 3ft inc. pot 

Picea glauca var. albertina 'Alberta Globe' - Dwarf White Spruce

The beautiful and elegant dwarf white spruce is a 'globe' conifer forming a natural ball shaped/cone shaped mound over many years (very slow growing!) . Will grow to a maxium of 2ft tall by 2ft diameter over 10-12 years, so ideal for a small garden or patio and no need for pruning!

These are slow growing dwarf picea, so can be used in Japanese style gardens or make interesting bonsai trees.

7litre - approx. 18inch inc. pot (1ft without pot), approx. 9-10inch diameter spread  £39.99 (B) 

Picea sitchensis - Sikta Spruce

We have on offer some beautiful, large specimens of the Sikta Spruce Picea sitchensis. This is the fifth largest conifer in the world growing to 100 metres if you let it (but can be pruned to any height and kept at 6ft if you wish) and can grow up to 4ft in a year when planted in the ground. THESE SPRUCES LOVE WET CONDITIONS, even swampy conditions and can be planted in  half to full  sun (not shade). They are grown for their evergreen needles which come out blue and then turn to green and also for the beautiful cones which can be 2-4 inches in length. Photo taken in the snow of Winter!

25litre pot  (approx. 5.5ft-6ft inc. pot , ) £159.99 (E)   (1 in stock)

Pieris Katsura  - Evergreen Japanese Katsura Bush

Pieris 'Katsura' is a simply spectacular EVERGREEN shrub for the back border or patio display. Incredible eruptions of fiery red foliage burst forth from this amazing plant in April and May. The foliage turns from flame red to pink, back to green over the growing months. The flowers are lily-of-the-valley like in their appearance and come in clusters in Spring, but this plant is grown mainly for it's wonderful red foliage. Pieris do well in half shade, and are not fussy about soil types, although prefer acidic. We also offer the 'Carnival' variegated form, click here

10Litre  pot, 27-30inch specimens (18inch-2ft spread) £49.00 (B)   

Pieris Mountain Fire   - Evergreen

Pieris 'Mountain Fire' has beautiful sprays of red flowers over the Winter months as well as reliable evergreen foliagewhich can turn shades of red and oramge.

 10Litre  pot, 32inch-3ft (inc. pot) £45.00 (B)    (4 in stock)

Pinus armandii - Chinese White Pine

The hardy Chinese White Pine is a medium sized pine tree with lovely drooping needles producing green cones in clusters which ripen to brown.  They can be kept to any size by pruning every year, and make ideal trees for wiring and cloud pruning in a Japanese style, and also as bonsai trees.

3litre pot (approx. 16inch-20inch in. pot  ) £24.99 (A)  

Pinus densiflora Jane Kluis - Japanese Red Pine

The beautiful Japanese Red Pine is a dwarf conifer, a hybrid cross between Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii, with a low mounding habit. Stems have an attractive copper hue as they mature. 

These are slow growing dwarf pines, so can be used in Japanese style gardens or make interesting bonsai trees.

5litre pot (approx. 14inch inc. pot, approx. 1ft spread  ) £39.99 (B)  

Pinus halepensis - Aleppo Pine / Jerusalem Pine

The Aleppo Pine, also known as the Jerusalem Pine  is a fast growing evergreen uproght conifer that makes a superb stand alone feature tree and can be used in a large pot on decking or a patio.This is a a fast growing pine tree, but can be kept to any size simply by pruning off the top leader in Spring or Summer.  These are hardy pines and can be planted in most parts of the UK.

25litre pot  (approx. 6ft inc. pot ) £149.99 (F)  

Pinus mugo mops - Japanese Dwarf Mountain Pine

This very slow growing variety will form a small mound of evergreen foliage over a period of 10 years, reaching no more than 4ft high. Easy to maintain, no pruning required, and ideal in the small garden and as a feature in the Japanese style garden.

25litre approx. 2ft  inc. pot , 21inch spread £159.99 (F)

Pinus mugo rostrata  - Creeping Pine

The Creeping Pine, Pinus uncinata (mugo rostrata)  is a spreading pine, that also goes upwards slowly, so makes an ideal specimen for the smaller garden as it is easy to prune and shape. They are used in Japanese style gardens and can be shaped into large bonsai specimens. Fully hardy and evergreen. 

These are slow growing pines, so just prune off the leader branch in early Spring if you want to keep it small. They can also be pruned hard and needle pruned to form cloud trees.

25litre approx. 5ft  inc. pot  £179.99 (F)

Pinus nigra austriaca - Austrian Pine/ Japanese Black Pine

A faster growing form of nigra, superb evergreen colour all through the year - can be left to grow, or kept in a pot, cloud pruned, or pruned to any height or shape. A very versatile tree.

20litre pine (pot grown)  approx. 4.5ft  inc. pot  £145.00 (E) (1 in stock)

Pinus nigra corsicana maritima  - Corsican Black Pine

The beautiful Corsican Black Pine, pinus nigra corsicana maritima has lovely loose whorls of needles, quite different to the normal Austrian Black Pine, and make a real show as a standalone tree or in a pot as a patio tree. Photo taken of some of the actual pines on offer (in the snow of December!)

25litre pine (pot grown) 9ft-10ft  inc. pot  £245.00 (F) (1 in stock)

  Pinus parviflora negeshi - Dwarf Japanese White Pine

These stunning pines have distinctive blue-green needle foliage, and produce cones at an early age . These are VERY slow growing pines, achieving no more than 2-3inches of height per year. Ideal for the small garden, or Japanese style garden, they also make fabulous bonsai trees.

7litre, approx. 2ft-30inch inc. pot £49.99 (C)

Pinus strobus -  Weymouth Pine

These beautiful pines  are grown for their weeping needles, and deeply grooved trunk when older, - this pine is reliably  evergreen throughout the winter months in the harshest of Winters, and look stunning in the frost and snow. Very very hardy, and slow growing, so easy to keep under control with pruning (can grow very large!). 

25litre specimen (approx. 8ft inc. pot) £175.00 (E)  

Pinus strobus Tiny Curls

We are pleased to be  offering our specimen sized Weymouth Whorl Pine - the very unusual Pinus strobus Tiny Curls - this unique pine tree has very unusual curly needles which whorl in all directions - a very slow growing pine eventually to 2-3m, ideal for the small garden.

They are used in Japanese style gardens and as centre points in rockerys or cottage garden borders. Fully hardy and evergreen. 

These are slow growing pines, so pruning isn't necessary.

25litre (pot grown) 4ft  inc. pot  £159.99 (F) (1 in stock)


Pinus thunbergii - Japanese Black Pine

We are also offering this year some lovely  thunbergii Japanese black pines, which are large growing trees (although slowly!) but can be pruned to any height and shape including bonsai and cloud pruned. The photos show some of the actual specimens on offer which are 25litre pines approx. 5.5ft-6ft in height including the pot.

25litre (pot grown) 5.5ft-6ft in. pot £159.99 (E)  

Pinus wallichiana - Himalayan Bhutan Pine

These very beautiful trees are grown for their spectacular long weeping needles, which stay evergreen throughout the winter months, and look stunning in the frost and snow. Very very hardy, and slow growing, so easy to keep under control with pruning. Producing large, long, pendulous banana-like cones in the winter it makes a fabulous specimen to plant as a Christmas feature, decorating it every December. Ideal in Japanese style gardens as a feature tree.

25litre (approx. 5ft-6ft inc. pot, approx. 30inch spread) £159.99 (F) 


We grow a number of different varieties of Japanese cherry trees at the nursery, for our current selection, please CLICK HERE


Salix babylonica crispa  - Japanese Weeping Moon Willow

This rarely available Japanese Weeping Moon Willow is a small growing weeping willows (they only grow to 6-9ft) showing crescent moon twisted leaves all over every branch, that draws attention from everybody who see them. One of the most beautiful willows in the large willow family, most of the other willows are huge trees that are unsuitable for urban or small gardens. This gem however, is slow growing and stays relatively small.

5litre pot 4-5ft  - £19.99 (A)

Salix gracillistyla melanostachys  - Black Willow

This Black Willow is so named for its black catkins in the winter months, making it an ideal small tree to plant for winter interest in the Japanese garden. Lush green foliage,  and strong growth. Growing to a maximum of 6-8ft, it is deciduous, but produces fabulous black catkins.

5litre, approx. 3-4ft  plants inc. pot  - £24.99 (B)

Thuja whipcord

Thuja plicata Whipcord  is a stunning hardy,  evergreen conifer that grows very slowly to form a sculptural mound in the garden and are ideal for overhanging a pond, or as a low feature in a Japanese style garden. Very distinctive and unusual with cord-like foliage which droops.

25litre size  - £49.99 (B)

Tsuga Candensis

Known as the Eastern or Canadian Hemlock , Tsuga candensis is a beautiful, distinctive, evergreen, fully hardy weeping conifer which would compliment a Japanese garden or Jungle style garden and goes well with cordylines, low growing Junipers, and weeping cherry - but can also be used as a standalone specimen tree. We have a limited number of large 6ft specimens available now.

35litre (approx. 6ft inc. pot, approx. 2ft-2.5ft spread) £179.99 (E)

Viburnum plic. Kilimanjaro Sunrise - Japanese Snowball

This stunning new viburnum is a real show stopper with it's layers of snow like white flowers in Spring, which turn pink tinged in Summer. Growing pyramid-like and forming tiers of foliage and flower it resembles a snow capped Japanese mountain in Spring! Flowers are followed by red berries  which are favoured by wildlife, and Autumn sees foliage colours of gold and burnt orange. A specimen shrub that is a must for the Japanese or Cottage garden border.

3litre (approx.18inches inc. pot ) £19.99 (A)

30litre (approx. 6.5ft-7ft inc. pot, 3ft spread) £145.00 (E)

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