Silk Tree Nurseries can provide hedging conifers and hedging plants in large quantity -  if you require a substantial number of any of our hedging plants, then please email or telephone for  a quote.

BAY   HEDGING  -  Larus nobilis

Bays make superb evergreen hedging as they are hardy, evergreen, and easy to care for, with edible leaves that can be used for cooking - they also have a lovely scent as you brush past them! They can be grown in low light to full sun positions, and can even be used indoors in a light position.

20litre (just repotted) approx. 6ft-7ft  inc. pot) £79.99 (F)  (1 in stock)

BOX   HEDGING  -    Buxus sempivirens

Box is  the ideal plant for a  classic English formal  hedge, it is fully hardy and able to withstand  the harshest of winters. It can be planted 12-18inches apart for a hedge, or individual  specimens can be used for topiary specimens.   

7L pot , approx. 30-32inch (inc. pot)   £22.00 (B)

Cupressus wilma -  Golden Lemon Scented Conifer

Cupressus wilma is a GOLDEN specimen conifer, that naturally grows into a cone shaped column confier.  It shines golden yellow, and holds its foliage through the harshest of winters. It is much easier to maintain than the common Box columns you often see, does not suffer from Box diseaeses, and does not 'burn' like Box and other conifers often can.
Ideal in a pot, or plant them in your lawn, this specimen conifer will only need clipping once a year to maintain an even shape and this unique form of GOLDEN CONFIER also has a LEMON SCENT when you rub your hands through it or brush against it!
These beautiful conifers are fully hardy OUTDOORS all year round, and will be evergreen throughout the winter.

5L pot , 40-45inch (inc. pot)  £29.99 (B)  

7L pot , approx. 54inch-57inch (inc. pot)   £45.00 (B)


Eleagnus ebbingei viveleg  
A very tough and hardy evergreen shrub, this variety of Elaeagnus is grown for its year round variegated gold and green foliage. Growing to no more than 2.5m in height it is an ideal specimen for a patio pot display, a border filler, or as a hedge. Tolerant of both wind and salt. The picture shows one of the actual specimens available at the 30litre size.

30litre 5ft-5.5ft  inc. pot, 3ft-4ft spread

Green Hedging  Bamboo   - Phyllostachys bissetti
Phyllostachys bissetii is an often hard to find bamboo, and a much underused one. In our opinion at Silk Tree Nurseries, this is the BEST bamboo for screening. It is vigorous, but not classed as invasive, it is very hardy (down to -24C!), but it's best feature is that it grows many culms (canes) that are densely packed to create a barrier, that is difficult to penetrate (so ideal for security) and thick with foliage so that you cannot see through it. This is a medium sized bamboo growing to 6-8metres, but can be pruned to any height.

10Litre  pot, 6ft specimens SEE BAMBOO - click here

ILEX   AQUIFOLIUM  - Green  Holly
Evergreen. The  common variety of holly that is an ideal barrier against unwanted visitors to the garden, or can be used in topiary forms.

3litre  (4ft inc. pot)   £12.99 (A)  



This is not only one of our most popular conifers, but also one of our personal  favourites. Juniper 'Blue Arrow' is a columnar conifer, which means it grows high and slim, making an extremely archetectural specimens. Blue Arrow is VERY straight and narrow, in fact almost as elegant as an Italian Cypress, but with the benefit of having beautiful, shimmering, light blue foliage. This conifer is EVERGREEN, so you will keep this blue foliage all through the depths of Winter - it is totally unaffected by wind, frost, ice - even in a pot.

POT GROWN specimens (not rootballed) so can be planted any time of the year.

10L pot, approx. 6ft (inc. pot) £69.99 (F) (8 in stock)

Evergreen. Beautiful red Spring foliage. Becoming very popular as an exotic and unusual hedge is the beautiful Photinia Red Robin. This fully hardy EVERGREEN plant grows to only 10ft, and can be clipped to any height to form a dense hedge. The Photinia is grown for its superb Spring foliage of fire red which blazes across each plant for a spectacular display. These plants can be used in the exotic garden as stand alone shrubs and bushes, or can be planted 2-3ft apart to form a hedging screen.

18litre  (approx. 5.5ft-6ft inc. pot) £69.99 (E)  

Prunus rotundifolia
Large Round Leaf Laurel  EVERGREEN

A superb hedging laurel which can be used as a standalone plant or as a formal hedge which can be tightly clipped. Very hardy and evergreen.

3litre  pot (3ft plant)     

12litre pot (just repotted) - 6ft inc. pot  £69.99 (E)   (6 in stock)

30litre , 8ft (inc. pot) approx. 3ft  spread  £124.99 (F) 

Prunus lustianica Myrtifolia
Portugese Laurel  EVERGREEN

The ideal evergreen hedging tree, or specimen evergreen
The Portugese Laurel is popular because of its reliability as an evergreen throughout the winter, and its ability to keep its leaves throughout the hardest of winters. Also, this beautiful glossy leaved tree does not seem to be a target for caterpillars and does not suffer chewed leaves in the summer like other Prunus.

9litre (approx. 4.5ft inc. pot )  £59.99 (B) =

30litre (approx. 4.5ft inc. pot )  £89.99 (F) = (3 in stock)

30litre  (approx. 6ft inc. pot)  £115.00  (F) (2 in stock)

Pyracantha RED COLUMN

Pyracantha is grown for its amazing display of autumn berries, as well as for its unique ability to act as a fence against burglars or unwanted animals such as cats, rabbits and dogs! This very easy to care for plant has 1/2 to 1inch thorns all over the branches. It is reliably EVERGREEN, giving interest all year round, with small white flowers in late Spring and in autumn a stunning display of bright scarlet berries which cover the plant from head to toe. Pyracantha can make an effective guard against unwanted visitors, and can be grown as a hedge - or plant back border for an autumn display of red berries.

5litre (6ft-7ft inc. pot ) £49.99 (E)  (4 in stock)


The Leylandii conifer is still the best selling and most popular conifer for screen hedging in the UK today, and deservedly so. This conifer will grow at up to 3ft per year in the ground, and can form a dense hedge in a short space of time. Once they reach your required height, then simply prune them once a year to keep them at this height. They will last 50 years or more in this way.
Used as a screening conifer, they can be planted 2-3ft apart. Leylandii are fully hardy anywhere in the UK.  The photo to the left shows some of our 10litre gold specimens.

5litre GREEN Leylandii (approx. 4ft inc. pot) £12.99 (A)




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