SIX 9ft-10ft Hardy Specimen Climber COLLECTION -
SIX mixed (our choice) Our specimen
Climber Collection consists of SIX 10ft (inc. pot) mixed climbers and
will include Jasmine, virginia creeper, clematis , lonicera and
Supplied in 10litre or 12litre size pots in their pots
at the 10ft (inc. pot) size, shipped in two (very long!)
parcels. A saving of £120.00 if bought individually from us, a lot more
in garden centres!
Hardy Specimen Climber Collection (six
climbers) £425.00 (F)
(2 in stock)
FOUR 9ft-10ft Hardy Specimen Climber COLLECTION -
four NAMED collection
Our named specimen Climber Collection consists of FOUR 9-10ft (inc.
pot) named climbers and will consist of: 1 x Climbing clematis
alpina, 1 x clematis montana, 1
x jasmine clotted cream, 1 x evergreen honeysuckle lonicera henryi
Supplied in 10litre size pots in their pots
at the 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) size, shipped in two (very long!)
parcels. A saving of £85.00 if bought individually from us.
Hardy Specimen Climber Collection four 9-10ft
climbers £275.00 (F)

9-10ft Hardy Specimen Jasmine COLLECTION - FOUR 9-10ft 12litre plants Our
specimen Jasmine Collection consists of FOUR very tall 9ft-10ft (inc.
pot) Jasmines and will include two white Jasmine and two pink Jasmine,
all four being deciduous. Supplied in 12litre size pots in their pots at
the 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) size, shipped in two (very long!) parcels. A
saving of £80.00 if bought individually.
The photo
shows some of the actual jasmine on offer (taken in July).
Hardy Specimen Jasmine Collection (four
9-10ft jasmines) £260.00 (E)

9-10ft Hardy
Wisteria COLLECTION - FOUR 9ft-10ft 10litre plants
Our specimen
sized Wisteria Collection consists of FOUR very tall 9-10ft (inc. pot)
Wisteria and will include one white Wisteria , one pink (rosea)
and two blue/purple wisteria prolific, all four being deciduous.
Supplied in 10litre size pots in their pots at the 9ft-10ft (inc. pot)
size, shipped in two (very long!) parcels. A saving of £60.00 if bought
individually. The photo shows some of the actual wisteria on offer
(taken in July).
Hardy Specimen Wisteria Collection (four
9ft-10ft wisteria) £340.00 (F)
(8 in stock)
megapotomicum -
This is the wonderful Red Hummingbird Bush,
Abutilon megapotamicum. This rarely offered 'climbing' Abutilon will astound you in the summer months with its unique and
enchanting red & yellow hanging bell flowers which cover the plant from
head to toe.
Abutilon megapotamicum can be grown either as a bush or as a climber and
will grow up to 7ft high and become bushy. It needs a nice warm spot in a sheltered garden
to show its full potential and remains semi-evergreen throughout the year in this
position. It can be grown in the garden (beautiful if planted within the
stems of a delicate bamboo such as Fargesia) or as a patio pot plant.
10L pot approx. 7ft (inc.
pot) £49.99 (E)

Actindia chinensis -
Edible Kiwi Fruit
The very exotic, lush, and extremely vigorous Kiwi Vine is a choice plant
for the exotic or jungle garden, grown for it's superb foliage - leaves of
the kiwi vine can be 1ft in diameter each! These vines can easily cover the
front of a large house in 2-3years.
Kiwi Vines can be grown successfully over pagodas or trellis, used as house
wall climbers, or simply grown in a large pot for an unusual and lush patio
display. They can be used to great effect in the exotic garden, with bamboo, trachycarpus palms, and cordylines .
10L pot, 9-10ft inc. pot £89.99 (F)
(4 in stock)
kolomikta - Painted Kiwi Vine
The unusual and much sought after PAINTED kiwi vine is a lovely strong growing
climber that produces heart shaped leaves which begin green and then turn the
most amazing colours of pink and white throughout the seasons. This is a
deciduous climber so will lose all its leaves in the winter months, but is very
beautiful in Spring, Summer, and Autumn! This is an ornamental kiwi vine so no
7L pot, 4ft-5ft inc. pot £29.99 (B)

10L pot, 6ft inc. pot £69.99 (F)

10L pot, 9-10ft inc. pot £99.99 (F)
(2 in stock)
Akebia quinata - Chocolate
The chocolate vine is a magnificent climber, that will always flower
in the UK, and large specimens can be smothered in bloom & fragrance
in the Spring. It is a semi-evergreen vine that is fully hardy in the UK
bearing masses of beautiful maroon-chocolate flowers in early spring which
cover the whole vine and which are heavily scented with vanilla. Exotic,
dark green, unusual three lobed foliage dress the vine from Spring to Autumn.
The flowers are followed by 5inch fruit pods which are edible.
7L pot , 5ft
plant £34.99 (B) 
10L pot , 9ft-10ft
inc. pot £99.99 (F)
(24 in stock), TWO for £175.00 (F)

Akebia quinata Shirobana/
We are very pleased to be offering, in VERY LIMITED QUANITY this year, the rare WHITE CHOCOLATE VINE, Akebia quinata ALBA also known as Akebia
'Shirobana' or akebia CREAM FORM- This jewel of climbers is simply one of the most delicious and
mouth watering vines, with the light green, exotic foliage of the chocolate
vine, followed in Spring by a profusion of WHITE to CREAM flowers covering
the whole vine - each flower having a delicate and beautiful purple centre.
But this most sort after vine is grown for one other reason; it's fragrance!
Difficult to describe, but smelling of very sweet white chocolate ice cream
(!) Quite a remarkable scent, and much more potent (and different) than the
vanilla of the Akebia quinata.
7L pot , 5ft
specimens £34.99 (B)


Aristolochia macrophylla -
Hardy Dutchman's Pipe
This unusual and rarely available climber is grown for its beautiful
glossy green heart shaped leaves and more especially for its
extraordinary flowers; shaped like dutchman smoking pipes! These
beautiful, exotic flowers can be up to 2inches and are yellowish green.
This is a strong grower in the right location - somewhere sheltered from
strong winds and not too sunny, but moist. A deciduous climber it will
lose all its leaves in the Winter but this is a hardy climber for the
The photos show some of the actual
plants on offer - taken throughout the year, the first photo shows
the beautiful, exotic foliage in Spring. The lower photo shows the
extraordinary flower of this climber. Loses all its leaves over winter,
so just a thin stem or stems. You are buying an approx. 6.5ft (inc.
pot) Aristolochia macrophylla in a 7litre pot.
pot 4ft-5ft inc. pot (B)

montana Grandiflora - WHITE clematis
montana 'Grandiflora' is a spring flowering, vigorous Clematis of pure
white. Small flowers of 2-3inches smother the whole fine for a
spectacular dearly display after the long winter months.
7L pot 9ft-10ft
(inc. pot) £99.99 (F)
(5 in stock)
montana Fragrant Spring - PINK clematis
montana Fragrant Spring is a spring flowering, vigorous Clematis of
mauve-pink, highly vanilla scented flowers that cover the whole plant .
This is a 'Montana' hybrid - which means is that it is vigorous, and if
you are looking for a climber to cover a complete trellis, wall, or tree
in a very short time, then this may be the one for you.
7L pot , 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) £99.99 (F)
(7 in stock) TWO for
£180.00 (F)

montana wilsonii - WHITE clematis
Clematis montana wilsonni is a highly fragrant star
clematis with hundreds f white flowers in Spring. This is a 'Montana'
hybrid - what this means is that it is a small flowered Clematis, but
very very vigorous.
10L pot , 9ft-10ft
(inc. pot) £99.99 (E)
(2 in stock)
Clematis montana
majorie - COPPER PINK clematis
Clematis montana majorie is the first double
flowered montana clematis which grows at a very fast rate ideal for
covering walls and trellis. Creamy pink flowers .
10L pot , 9ft-10ft
(inc. pot) £89.99 (F)

montana Mayleen - PINK clematis
- highly scented
Clematis montana Mayleen is a highly scented satin pink
flowered clematis on vigorous climbing stems with bronze tinted foliage
in the Spring months.
5L pot 6ft
(inc. pot) £49.99 (E)

pot 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (E)

montana rubens - PINK clematis
Clematis montana rubens is a spring flowering, vigorous
Clematis of delicate pink. Small flowers of 2-3inches smother the whole
vine for a spectacular display after the long winter months.
5L pot
6ft (inc. pot) £49.99 (E)

12L pot
7ft-8ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (E)

montana tetrarose - PINK clematis
Clematis montana tetrarose is a spring flowering, vigorous
Clematis of mauve pink. Small flowers of 2-3inches smother the whole
vine from Spring to Summer.
5L pot
6ft (inc. pot) £59.99 (E)
(5 in stock)
12L pot
8ft-9ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (E)

tangutica - Yellow flowered Chinese Lantern clematis
tangutica, a Chinese clematis, is a vigorous clematis that bears
beautiful lantern like golden yellow flowers in late Spring/ early
Summer followed by unusual large fluffy seedheads for Autumn. Very
5L pot 6ft (inc. pot) £49.99 (F)

Fatshedera lizei - GIANT CLIMBING FATSIA
Fatshedera variegata
Fatshedera annemieke
Hedera Gold Heart -
Small Leaf
Gold Variegated Ivy
An elegant and eye catching variety of ivy, Gold Heart has
small variegated yellow
and green edged leaves with black spherical fruit in the autumn. We have
7ft specimens available now for instant planting, which are multi-stemmed and can be
trained quickly over wall or fence.
10L pot,
multi-stem 6ft
(inc. pot) specimens
£39.99 (B) 
Hedera Gloire de Marengo - White Variegated Ivy
A subtle blend of white and green give this ivy the
English country garden look, and it can be used effectively against a
wall, trellis, or fence, and also as ground cover if you let it trail
rather than climb
7L pot, 8ft-9ft (inc. pot) £59.99 (E)
(4 in stock)
Hedera helix - Green Ivy
This is a fast growing green ivy - new leaves are light
green and then turning to dark green with distinct veins - smaller leaves than the hibernica below.
12L pot,
(inc. pot) £69.99 (E) 
Hedera hibernica - Green Ivy
This is the species ivy, which is one of the fastest
growing, and can be used to great effect against walls, garages, and
trellis. Very easy to grow and will grow almost anywhere!
12L pot, 9ft-10ft
(inc. pot) £69.99 (E) 
Hedera Sulphur Heart -
Large Leaf
Gold Variegated Ivy
A stunning, bold variety of ivy, Sulphur Heart has
large variegated yellow
and green leaves with black spherical fruit in the autumn. We have
7ft specimens available now for instant planting, which are multi-stemmed and can be
trained quickly over wall or fence.
12L pot,
approx. 9ft-10ft (inc. pot)
£89.99 (E) 
10L pot,
approx. 6ft (inc. pot)
£69.99 (E)
(1 in stock)
Hedera variegata - Large Leaf Gold Variegated Ivy
A bold, statement ivy of large gold and green variegated
leaves which lends itself well to contemporary planting, and also to
fast wall and fence coverage.
10L pot, 5ft
£24.99 (B) 
Holboellia coriacea -
Himalayan Sausage Vine (Evergreen)
This is the rarely
available Himalayan Sausage Vine, which is hardy in the UK, bearing masses of
beautiful nodding green/white flowers in early spring which cover the whole
vine and which are heavily scented . Exotic, dark green foliage dress the vine
all year around. The flowers are sometimes followed by very unique and
ornamental sausage shaped fruit .
7L pot,
approx. 5ft (inc. pot)
£29.99 (B) 
Hydrangea petiolaris - Climbing
The climbing Lacecap, Hydrangea petiolaris, is making a recent comeback due
to its toughness clinging to the most shady and cold walls & trellis. This
beautiful SELF CLINGING climber is covered with lace like, small white flowers
in May to July and thick, dark green foliage. It is deciduous (losing all
its leaves in autumn) but retains winter interest through its woody, peeling
The Climbing Lacecap will survive just about anywhere, and will thrive even
on a NORTH facing wall or fence. It is a strong grower, but will not take
over like ivy. It is also self clinging, so no supports should be necessary.
15L pot, approx. 5ft-6ft inc. pot £79.99 (E)
(5 in stock)
Jasmine aureovariegatum -
Variegated Jasmine Jasminum aureovariegatum
is a beautiful scented white Jasmine, with unusually vivid yellow and
white leaves in Spring through to Autumn. Vigorous and strong growing.
Semi-evergreen to deciduous (may lose all its leaves in winter depending
on location).
10L pot, 5ft
specimens £29.99 (B)

Jasmine beesianum - Jasmine
Jasminum beesianum is an unusual, and much sought after
uncommon Jasmine that is favoured for its delicious pink-red, fragrant
flowers in summer. This lovely Jasmine is less vigorous than some
Jasmines, so is an ideal container specimen, or a garden planted Jasmine
for a small pagoda or trellis.
Jasminum beesianum would make an ideal partner to one of our Jasmine x
stephanese or our rarer Ampelopsis vines.
7L pot, 5ft inc. pot
£29.99 (B)
(14 in stock)
Jasmine Clotted Cream - Cream flowered Jasmine
Jasmine CLOTTED CREAM is a beautiful and VERY
FRAGRANT climber that is a deciduous variety bearing unusual cream
coloured flowers in late Spring and early Summer.
7L pot, approx. 5ft inc. pot £29.99 (B)

12L pot, 9ft-10ft inc. pot
£99.99 (F)
(11 in stock) , TWO for £180.00 (F)

Jasmine nudiflorum - Winter Jasmine
Jasminum nudiflorum is a beautiful yellow flowering
jasmine which is fully hardy in the UK. In the depths of winter, this
lovely climber will produce hundreds of small yellow flowers all over
the stems.
10L pot, 6ft inc. pot £79.99 (E)

10L pot, 9ft-10ft inc. pot £99.99 (F)
(3 in stock)
Jasmine officianale - White Summer
This lovely variety of Jasmine is a strong grower, fully
hardy, and will produce a mass of fragrant white flowers in early
Summer. Train over a walkway or pagoda, or use to cover a fence or
7L pot, 5ft inc. pot
£29.99 (B)
(13 in stock)
10L/12L pot, 9ft-10ft inc. pot
£99.99 (F)
(15 in stock) TWO for £180.00 (F)

Jasmine x stephanese - Hardy Pink Jasmine
Jasminum x stephanense is a beautiful FRAGRANT climber that is fully
hardy in the UK. This is a semi-evergreen (in a sheltered spot) to
deciduous variety that bears lovely, delicate pink flowers all over the
vine in June and July. However, the most beautiful effect of this
charming climber is its foliage; in Spring you are greeted with
variegated yellows, pinks, and greens, as the new leaves emmerge,
turning to lush green in summer.
The strong JASMINE FRAGRANCE of this climber can be used to great effect
on pagodas and archways - trained overhead, you will be stopped in your
tracks by the very strong perfume of the hundreds of flowers that can
cover the Jasmine in summer. 7L pot, 5ft (inc. pot)
specimen £29.99 (B)

10L pot, 8ft-9ft (inc. pot)
specimen £89.99 (F)

Kerria pleniflora -
Japanese Rose
Please see our
Japanese Plants section, click here.
American Beauty
A deciduous honeysuckle with showy large
flowers of pink and orange with a long flowering period from Spring to Summer.
Beautiful for climbing a wall, shed, or fence.
6ft specimens

Gold Flame
A strong
growing deciduous honeysuckle with beautiful red/pink flowers with
golden throats with a long flowering period from Spring to Summer. Non
clinging like similar honeysuckles so does need support.
9-10ft plants inc. pot

Halls Prolific
Lonicera Halls Prolific is a popular
variety of Honeysuckle which is very highly scented with a profusion of fragrant
yellow flowers from June to October. Semi-evergreen but does tend to
lose all its leaves in exposed positions.
12L pot, 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (F)

halliana -
Evergreen Honeysuckle
Lonicera halliana is a fast growing
evergreen honeysuckle, which has a long flowering season and multitudes
of yellow flowers.
7litre 7ft-8ft inc. pot £79.99 (F) 
henryii -
Large Leaf Evergreen Honeysuckle
Lonicera henyri is one of our
favourite honeysuckles, and one of our most popular at Silk Tree
Nurseries, because of its reliable fully EVERGREEN nature (even in this
winters -8C!), its much larger flowers than the normal honeysuckles, and
its vigour.
The flowers of Lonicera Henyri are exotic, fragrant, and very beautiful
- a mixture of whites, light blues, and red, and contrast well with rich
green foliage. They flower in early summer
7litre approx. 4.5ft-5ft (inc. pot) £29.99
10litre 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) £99.99 (F)
(12 in stock) TWO for £180.00 (F)

henryii Copper Beauty
A beautiful variety with new growth
that is bronze-red that slowly turns to green - evergreen. Flowers are
yellow and very fragrant.
10litre 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (F)

serotina - Serotina Honeysuckle
A beautiful woody deciduous
honeysuckle with stunning tubular flowers budding red and pink then
yellow and white in flower. Fast growing. Long flowering period
and one of the strongest scents of any honeysuckle.
7L pot , approx.
(inc. pot) £29.99 (E)

10L pot , approx.
9ft-10ft (inc. pot) £89.99 (F)

periclymenum -
English Honeysuckle
periclymenum is a fast growing deciduous honeysuckle (loses all its
leaves in Winter) which can quickly cover a wall, shed, or fence and
produces fragrant white long tubular flowers which fade to yellow.
12litre approx. 9ft-10ft (inc. pot) -
£89.99 (F)

henryana -
Virginia Creeper
Grown for its spectacular autumn foliage, this lovely form of
Virginia Creeper has large distinct leaves and a self clinging habit,
and will climb a wall or a pagoda with ease. Bright red foliage in the
Autumn months. We have some large 6ft specimens available now.
7litre 4.5ft-5ft inc. pot £29.99 (B)

10litre approx.
9ft-10ft inc. pot £99.99 (F)
(4 in stock)
quinquefolia -
Virginia Creeper
A fast growing virginia creeper known as the five finger
creeper because of its five leaflets, turning a fabulous orange &
scarlet in the Autumn months. Can be grown in any location but prefers
7litre 5ft
inc. pot £29.99 (B)
(25 in stock)
10litre 6ft
inc. pot £59.99 (F)

10litre approx.
9ft-10ft inc. pot £99.99 (F)
(16 in stock), 2 for £180.00 (F)

Passiflora cerulea -
Passion Flower
Passiflora cerulea, the hardy Passion Flower, can be grown anywhere
in the UK OUTDOORS down to approx. -7C. This beautiful evergreen vine will produce one of the
most spectacular flowers of the botanical world. Exotic, large flowers cover
the vine in July and August and are white and blue and between 2-3inches
in diameter. Following the flowers, green Passion Fruits begin to swell,
and these will then turn yellow and then orange and can be EATEN when they
are ripe - usually in September. They are deliciously sweet and
10litre 9ft-10ft
(inc. pot) 10litre £89.99 (E)

Passiflora Constance Elliot - White
Passion Flower
Passiflora 'Constance Elliot' is a most maginificent Passion Flower
vine for UK GARDENS and is a pure white form of passion flower. Beautiful
3-4inch pure white flowers will cover the vine from head to toe throughout
summer and autumn. What our pictures do not show is the simply astonishing
fragrance of this vine - one of the strongest of any passion flower. Passiflora
'Constance Elliot' is a Passiflora cerulea (the hardy passion flower you
often see) hybrid, which means it will survive OUTDOORS in a sheltered postion.
You can also grow it anywhere INDOORS if you wish to.
10L pot, 5ft (inc.
pot - 3 canes) £35.00 (B)

Passiflora Lavender Lady - Pink Passion
Passilfora Lavender Lady is one of the most beautiful
flowers we have ever seen; vivid amethyst purple passion flowers cover
this vine from late Spring to late Autumn. The flowers are always a
talking point, up to 3-4inches in size, and each one opening only for
1-2 days at a time, but these vines will flower CONTINUOUSLY from
early summer to early autumn. Passiflora 'Lavender Lady' is a
Passiflora cerulea (the hardy passion flower you often see) hybrid,
which means it will survive outdoors (to approx. -7C) in a sheltered position.
The flower of Lavender Lady is the 'star' type, very different
from the common passion flower and it is slightly larger, and very vivid, with a
hint of fragrance.
10L pot, 6ft (inc.
pot - 3 canes) £39.99 (B)

Passiflora x racemosa - Red Passion
Passiflora racemosa is one of the most stunning of the passion flower species,
with its exquisite display of purple red flowers up to 4inches in diameter.
It has larger leaves than the cerulea Passion Flowers but is also a vigorous
Passion Flower vines can also be grown indoors in any light room, and can
be simply amazing when they cover a whole wall or bookshelf and come into
10L pot, 6ft (inc.
pot - 3 canes) £39.99 (B)

Pyracantha is grown for its amazing display of autumn berries, as well
as for its unique ability to act as a fence against burglars or unwanted
animals such as cats, rabbits and dogs! This very easy to care for plant
has 1/2 to 1inch thorns all over the branches. It is reliably EVERGREEN,
giving interest all year round, with small white flowers in late Spring
and in autumn a stunning display of bright scarlet berries which cover
the plant from head to toe.
Pyracantha can make an effective guard against unwanted visitors, and
can be grown as a hedge - or plant back border for an autumn display of
red berries.
5litre (5ft inc. pot ) £45.00 (C)
(3 in stock)
Schizophragma Rose Sensation -
Japanese Hydrangea Vine
A rarely available deciduous climbing woody Hydrangea,
very slow growing which has lovely heart shaped leaves in Spring and
in early Summer produces beautiful sprays of lacecap white flowers and
pink florets. Ideal for a shady North or East facing wall, they
dislike strong sun, and will eventually grow to a few metres in
height. Fully hardy.
7L pot, approx.
3ft-3.5ft inc. pot £34.99 (B)

jasminoides alba - Chilean Potato Vine (White)
The wonderful
Chilean Potato Vine, Solanum jasminoides alba , is a lovely green foliage vine, which is semi-evergreen
(but loses a lot of its leaves in exposed areas). In late spring to
mid summer, it is covered in small, fragrant, white, star flowers.
Strong growing.
7L pot, approx.
5ft inc. pot £29.99 (B)
(6 in stock)
7L pot, approx.
9ft-10ft inc. pot £89.99 (F)
(3 in stock)
jasminoides glasnevin - Chilean Potato Vine (Purple)
This is the purple flowering variety of the Potato Vine
above which is very pretty combined with the white but also as a
standalone climbing shrub.
7L pot, approx.
5ft inc. pot £29.99 (F)

10L pot, approx.
7ft-8ft inc. pot £79.99 (F)
(1 in stock)

Trachleospermum jasminoides -
Evergreen Star Jasmine
One of the most sought after Jasmines, Star Jasmine is
grown for both it's evergreen foliage, and it's highly fragrant, sweet
smelling white star-like flowers that cover the whole vine from mid-to
late summer. Foliage will turn bronze in winter. Star Jasmine can be
easily grown OUTDOORS on a warm wall or patio area. It is non-invasive
and quite slow growing for a climber.
7L pot ,
approx. 5ft inc. pot £29.99 (B)
( 1 in stock)
7L pot ,
approx. 7ft-8ft inc. pot £79.99 (F)
( 2 in stock)
12L pot
approx. 9ft-10ft inc. pot £89.99 (F)

'Pink Showers' -
Evergreen Pink Star Jasmine
A lovely PINK flowering variety of evergreen jasmine.
7L pot
approx. 9ft-10ft inc. pot £89.99 (F)
( 2 in stock)

Trachleospermum jasminoides
'Star Of Toscane' -
Evergreen Star Jasmine
This beautiful new introduction is as hardy as the
normal star jasmine above but has stunning buttery yellow flowers with
a long flowering period from late Spring.
7L pot, approx.
4.5ft-5ft inc. pot £29.99 (B)
